What is this newsletter about?

Lots of stuff! In addition to tracking the cost per wear of items in my closet, some topics I’ve covered include: making smart wardrobe choices for your budget, financial deep dives on fashion brands, fashion hauls, fashion wishlists, wardrobe reflections, ootds, and travel posts!

Why did you start this newsletter?

I’ve always loved fashion and started tracking my wardrobe a couple of years ago. I wanted to share the idea of tracking “cost per fit” with others, so I wrote my first post on Substack and it’s grown from there. I love the Substack community - it keeps me coming back each week!

Who are you?

I’m a 30 something Indian woman living in Austin, Texas! I work at a startup full-time and Cost per Fit is a passion project that I work on in the evenings and weekends.

Why “Cost per Fit”?

A big portion of my content is related to maximizing the cost per wear of items in my closet - it felt fitting to call my newsletter that. However, “Cost per Wear” was already taken, so “Cost per Fit” was born 😂

How often do you publish?

At least once a week, on Sundays. Sometimes more, as inspiration strikes!

How much does a subscription cost?

An annual subscription to Cost per Fit costs $50; a monthly subscription is $5/month. Most posts on Cost per Fit are free to read for all subscribers; there may occasionally be a section of a post that is for paid subscribers only.

What is your approach with affiliate links, gifted items, or sponsorships?

This information was last updated in September 2024.

Affiliate Links:

Affiliate links allow me to earn a small percentage of an item’s value, should you decide to make a purchase based upon my recommendation, at no extra cost to you. I may occasionally use affiliate links for:

  • items that I have purchased with my own money that I would recommend to others

  • items that were gifted to me by family members that I would recommend to others

I will not use affiliate links for:

  • items that I received as a gift from brands

  • items that are on my wishlist but that I have not yet purchased and therefore cannot recommend

  • items that are part of any sponsored content

  • items that I’ve curated for a virtual haul or roundup

The goal of my newsletter is to encourage sustainable fashion choices and I’d like to set up my incentive structure to reflect that. Affiliate links will always be denoted with a “*” symbol.

Gifted Items:

Gifted items can be a great way for a creator to learn about new brands or new styles from a brand already known and loved by the creator. Although I am open to receiving gifted items, I will accept gifts sparingly and only if the gift meets the following criteria:

  • Is the item something that would fit in well with my style?

  • Is the item made from long lasting materials?

Gifted items will always be denoted with an “gifted” tag. As stated above, gifted items will never have an affiliate link. If you are a brand looking to get in touch regarding a gift, please email support@costperfit.com.

Sponsorship Opportunities:

Although I am open to receiving sponsorship opportunities, I will accept these opportunities sparingly and only if the sponsorship meets the following criteria:

  • Is the brand one that I know and love?

  • Have purchased items from this brand with my own money before?

Sponsored content will always have a sponsorship disclaimer at the top of the post. As stated above, sponsored posts will never have affiliate links. If you are a brand looking to get in touch regarding a sponsorship opportunity, please email support@costperfit.com.

Thanks for reading Cost per Fit! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

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Tracking the cost per fit of my wardrobe and telling you about it 💰


Tracking the cost per fit of my wardrobe and telling you about it 💰